Tell the Truth and Name the Devil (Dog)
Your new furry family addition is hopefully not a devil, but you do want to make sure to give him or her a name that will reflect their personality. The names we give our dogs are not always the “dog names” of the past – like Buster or Rover or Rex – but often cross over into what were traditionally people names, or even random words that mean something to us, our friends and our families.
As a maker of personalized dog bandanas and T-shirts featuring your pet’s names, I see my fair share of names that people call their dogs, cats, and even rodents or pigs! So, I thought I would give everyone a list of the names that have popped up in the last year, so you can have some inspiration on some potential doggie designations.
The top 10 most popular names:
- Bella
- Buddy
- Cooper
- Daisy
- Bailey
- Shadow
- Tucker
- Gus
- Luna
- Kiva
Creative multi-pet designations, or theme specific names:
- Mac & Cheese
- Sampson & Delilah
- Ben & Jerry
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Lord Stanley (Blackhawks hockey bandana)
- Harvey, Dent, Bruce & Bane (Batman Bandanas)
- Nick Furry (Avengers Bandana)
- Chewbacca & Jedi (Star Wars Bandana)
- Dragos, Golioth, Tank & Moose (large dog breeds)
- Kal, Kal-El, & Krypto (Superman Bandanas)
Additional names in alphabetical order:
- Abbot
- Abby
- Addie
- Adm Roxy
- Albie
- Alice
- Alpha
- Amber
- Anejo
- Annie
- Ariel
- Arya
- Ashwood
- Athos
- Augie
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Axl
- Axl Rose
- Baloo
- Barnum
- Barry
- Barsa
- Bat Koda
- Batman
- Baxter
- Bear
- Beaux
- Becca
- Belle
- Bentley
- Bernie
- BiBi
- Blaze
- Bleu
- Blitz
- Blue
- Bobby
- Bogart
- Bonnie
- Bonnie Gene
- Brodi
- Brody
- Bruce
- Bud
- Buffy
- Burkley
- Buster
- Buster1089
- Caesar
- Cain
- Callie
- Candy
- Carl
- Cashy
- Chase
- Chauncey
- Chesney
- Chesty
- Chief
- Choco
- Chopo
- Chuppa
- Cindy Lou
- Cloverfield
- Cobalt
- Cocoa
- Cody
- Comet
- Cozy
- Crixus
- Crunch
- Cubbie
- Dakota
- Declan Sloane
- DeeDee

- Dexter
- Dezzy
- Diesel
- Dixie
- Drippy
- Drogo
- Duchess
- Dude
- Duke
- Dukee
- Dusky
- Ed
- Edgar
- Elenore
- Eli
- Ellie
- Elliott
- Elmer
- Emerson
- Emma
- Emma Grace
- Esposito
- Evan
- Felix
- Fergus
- Finley
- Finn
- Frankie
- Franky
- Freckles
- Fred
- Frosty
- Furn
- Fynnegan
- Gabe
- Gage
- Gates
- Gatsby
- Gemma
- George
- Gibson
- Gidget
- Gilly
- Gipper
- Goku
- Googan
- Grace
- Gunnar
- Gunner
- Gunny
- Gustav
- Hank
- Harley
- Harper May
- Harry
- Hayley
- Hazel
- Hennessy
- Hermann
- Hickory
- Holly
- Hops
- Hubble
- Hudson
- Husker
- Huxley
- Ima Lion
- Indie
- Indy
- Isis
- Ivy
- Jack
- Jagger
- Jake
- Jasper
- Jaxon
- Jenna
- Jerzie
- Jesse
- Jetta
- Joleen
- Junior
- Juno
- Ka$hmir
- Kali
- Kaner
- Katsu
- Kaya
- Kayla
- Kenzie
- Keysa
- Kimber
- Kira
- Kisses
- Kobalt
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kodi
- Kori
- Kratos
- Kylie
- Kylo
- Lacey
- Lacey Ann
- Lady
- Larry
- Layla
- Leela
- Leo
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lexi
- Liam
- Lilly
- Lilly Pad
- Lincoln
- Link
- Loki
- Lola
- Lucien
- Lucy
- Luna Star
- Lyla
- Maggie Mae
- Maggy
- Magnum
- Mallory
- Mally
- Mandy
- Marcey
- Marcy
- Marlee
- Marty
- Mattis
- Max
- Maya
- Mazzy
- Melaney
- Miley
- Milly
- Milo
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Minnie
- Mirah
- Mishka
- Misti Lou
- Mitt
- Mo
- Mocha
- Murray
- N, Smith
- Naevia
- Nanuk
- Neveah
- Nico
- North
- Nugget
- Nukles
- Nyla
- Nymeria
- Oli
- Oliver
- Oprah
- Oryx
- Owens
- Panda
- Paolo
- Pasha
- Patches
- Patrick
- Peanut
- Pete
- Piper
- Pluto
- Ponyboy
- Porter
- Ranger
- Raven
- Raylan
- Rebel
- Red
- Reece
- Remi
- Rex
- Rexie
- Richie
- RickyBobby
- Riley
- Rimee
- River
- Rizzo
- Rocky
- Rosie
- Roux
- Rowdy
- Roxy
- Ruger
- Russell
- Sadie
- Saffron
- Sahsa
- Sam
- Samson
- Sango
- Sargeant
- Sasha
- Scooby
- Scooter
- Scout
- Seamus
- Shayla
- Shenna
- Shilo
- Sitka
- Sky
- Slater
- Socius
- Sofie
- Sophie
- Sparky
- Spencer
- Stella
- Sugar
- Super Dex
- Sydney
- Taker P457
- Takoda
- Teddy
- Tere
- Tesla
- Tess
- Thelma
- Timber
- Toby
- Tracker
- Trinity
- Tulip
- Tyson
- Wally
- Watson
- Will
- Winnie
- Wrigley
- Xena
- Zak
- Zalie
- Zeke
- Zip
- Zoe
- Zoey
- Zosi