The Perfect Name

Naming your pet can be a tricky thing. You want to make sure to give him or her a name that will reflect their personality. The names we give our pets are not always the “dog names” or “cat names” of the past – like Buster or Rover or Rex – but often cross over into what were traditionally people names, or even random words that mean something to us, our friends and our families.
As a maker of personalized dog bandanas and T-shirts featuring your pet’s names, I see my fair share of names that people call their dogs, cats, and even rodents or pigs! Here are the names that have popped up in 2020. Hopefully you can use this list to help inspire your potential doggie (or kitty, or piggy, or – well you get the idea) designations.
Want to see last year’s list? Click Here
The top 10 most popular pet names in 2020:
It was the year of pets with multiple names!
- Bella Bean
- Bo Brady
- Ellie Mae
- Gracie Mae
- Hazel Jean
- Henry Ford
- Ivy Mae
- Kidney Bean
- Koda Flops
- Lizzie Rose
- Luna Buna
- Madeline Rose
- Maggie Mae
- Mikoh Infernis
- Milo Kaslo
- Mr. Brown
- Ms Paisley
- Pixie Anne
- Riley Grace
- Rocky Boy
- Roy Munson
- Sadie Jo
- Stella Blue
- Sweet Pea
- Tyson Alexander
Additional names in alphabetical order:
- Abbot
- Abby
- Ace
- Aeris
- Allie
- Amber
- Angel
- Annie
- Ariat
- Armani
- Athena
- Atlas
- Aubrey
- Aurora
- Babe
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barkley
- Baxter
- Beans
- Bear
- Beau
- Beckham
- Beesly
- Bella
- Belle
- Ben
- Benny
- Bentley
- Benucci
- Bernie
- Berra
- Biff
- Bigby
- Binks
- Blake
- Blu
- Blue
- Bluesy
- BluJack
- Bobby
- Bolt
- Boomer
- Boss
- Brie
- Brooklyn
- Bruno
- Bubba
- Buck
- Buddy
- Buehrle
- Bug
- Buster
- Buttercup
- Buttons
- Cain
- Callie
- Cammie
- Capone
- Cardi
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chase
- Cheese
- Cherri
- Chester
- Chesty
- Chewbacca
- Chewee
- Chewie
- Cheyenne
- Chief
- Chloe
- Chonchis
- Chuck
- Chumley
- Coach
- Coco
- Colt
- Coop
- Copper
- Creed
- Dakota
- Daugherty
- Delilah
- Dexter
- Diana
- Dodger
- Donatello
- Dooby
- Dudley
- Duke
- Duncan
- Dunkin
- Effie
- Ella
- Ellie
- Finley
- Finn
- Flanigan
- Frank
- Frankie
- Freckles
- Fritzy
- Gaston
- Gatsby
- George
- Georgette
- Geri
- Gertrude
- Gibbs
- Gilly
- Golo
- Googan
- Gracie
- Graham
- Greta
- Guinness
- Gunnar
- Gunny
- Gus
- Gwendolyn
- Hailey
- Hansen
- Harley
- Hazel
- Henley
- Henry
- Hershey
- Holly
- Hopper
- Hudson
- Huey
- Hutch
- Indy
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jake
- Jameson
- Jayda
- JC
- Jerry
- Jessie
- Jex
- Jiminy
- John
- Jordan
- Josie
- Jude
- Justice
- Kaiser
- Katie
- Kenzie
- King
- Kinsey
- Kita
- Kloee
- Knox
- Koda
- Kodiak
- Kodie
- Kona
- Krypto
- Kya
- Lady
- Layla
- Leo
- Libby
- Liberty
- Lily
- Lincoln
- Lita
- Logan
- Lucca
- Luckenbach
- Luke
- Lula
- Luna
- Lynyrd
- Maggie
- Magnolia
- Maia
- Maisie
- Manny
- Margo
- Marlee
- Marley
- Maui
- Max
- Max
- Maxwell
- Maya
- Melara
- Mercury
- Milli
- Mimi
- Mini
- Missy
- Molly
- Moose
- Morti
- Mowgli
- Moxie
- Mueller
- Munch
- Murphy
- Nadja
- Navi
- Navy
- Nelson
- Neo
- Nipsy
- Nola
- Nora
- Nutmeg
- Oakley
- Obi
- Oddyseus
- Odin
- Oliver
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Oogie
- Opal
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Ozzie
- Paris
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Perry
- Piper
- Pippin
- Prancer
- Prince
- Princess
- Raven
- Ravenator
- Regal
- Rey
- Riley
- River
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Roco
- Rose
- Rosie
- Ruger
- Rusty
- Rylee
- Sabine
- Sable
- Sabyan
- Sansa
- Sassy
- Scout
- Shelbee
- Shelby
- Simba
- Skits
- Sky
- Snickers
- Sniffaroni
- Snookie
- Sophia
- Sparky
- Stanley
- Stark
- Starla
- Steele
- Stoli
- Sunny
- Super Hero
- SuperSis
- Suzie
- Takoda
- Tanner
- Techi
- Teddy
- Tesla
- Thor
- Tillie
- Timberland
- Tink
- Titus
- Tobey
- Truffles
- Tucker
- Walker
- Watson
- Waylon
- Wheezy
- Whitney
- Wiggles
- Willie
- Winchester
- Winnie
- Winston
- Wonder
- Woody
- Wrigley
- Wrinkles
- Wyatt
- Yoda
- Zeke
- Zen
- Ziggy
- Zima
- Ziva
- Zola